主 题:城市碳排放核算:生产端和消费端 主讲人:米志付(英国伦敦大学学院) 主持人:何凌云 会议时间:2021 年 4 月 16 日(周五 )下午14:00-15:30 会议地点:暨南大学经济学院(中惠楼)102室
Most of China’s carbon emissions are related to energy consumption in its cities. Thus, cities are critical for implementing China’s carbon emissions mitigation policies. In this study, we employ an input-output model to calculate consumption-based carbon emissions for thirteen Chinese cities and find substantial differences between production- and consumption-based accounting in terms of both overall and per capita carbon emissions. Urban consumption not only leads to carbon emissions within a city’s own boundaries but also induces emissions in other regions via interregional trade. In megacities such as Shanghai, Beijing and Tianjin, approximately 70% of consumption-based emissions are imported from other regions. Annual per capita consumption-based emissions in the three megacities are 14, 12 and 10 tonnes of CO2 per person, respectively. Some medium-sized cities, such as Shenyang, Dalian and Ningbo, exhibit per capita emissions that resemble those in Tianjin. From the perspective of final use, capital formation is the largest contributor to consumption-based emissions at 32–65%. All thirteen cities are categorized by their trading patterns: five are production-based cities in which production-based emissions exceed consumption-based emissions, whereas eight are consumption-based cities, with the opposite emissions pattern. Moreover, production-based cities tend to become consumption-based as they undergo socioeconomic development.
米志付,英国伦敦大学学院副教授、博士生导师,伦敦政治经济学院高级访问学者。致力于气候变化经济学研究,成果发表于《科学进展》《自然能源》《自然食品》《自然可持续性》等期刊。入选福布斯欧洲“30位30岁以下”精英榜单和科睿唯安“高被引科学家”。曾获中国经济学优秀博士论文奖,中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文奖,世界可持续发展奖,《自然通讯》地球与行星科学前50名论文奖,《地球物理通讯》高被引论文奖,《环境研究通讯》最佳青年学者论文奖,《应用能源》高被引原创论文奖等。多次受邀参加联合国可持续发展大会和联合国气候变化大会。担任 Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 期刊共同主编。