本帖最后由 暨南人 于 2020-12-15 13:11 编辑
1 一年一度“春运”大幕开启(Spring Festival travel rush)
2 湖北武汉等多地发生“新冠肺炎疫情”(COVID-19 pandemic)
3 “国家最高科学技术奖”颁发(the State Preeminent Science and Technology Award)
4 教育部开展“强基计划”试点(plan for strengthening basic academic disciplines)
5 “中美第一阶段经贸协议”签署(China-US phase-one economic and trade agreement)
6 长江流域分阶段“禁渔”(fishing ban in the Yangtze River basin)
7 涉“校园贷”在校生可不纳入失信名单(campus loans)
8 国务院发布新版“限塑令”(plastics ban)
1 坚决打赢“疫情防控阻击战”(the battle of epidemic prevention and control)
2 武汉建成三所“方舱医院”(mobile cabin hospital)
3 完善“重大疫情防控体制机制”(mechanism for major epidemic prevention and control)
4 2020年“中央一号文件”公布(No. 1 central document) 5 五部门开展打击“野生动物违规交易”专项执法行动(illegal wild animal trading)
6 我国今年将阶段性“减免企业社会保险费”(cut corporate contributions to social insurance)
7 景区实行“实名制购票”(real-name ticketing at scenic spots)
1 我国防控重点转防境外输入病例(imported COVID-19 cases)2 各地分级分批推进“复工复产”(work resumption)
3 违反“妨害国境卫生检疫罪”将定罪处罚(the crime of disturbing frontier health and quarantine)
4 北京的部分国际航班调整“第一入境点”(first point of entry)
5 湖北开始发放“健康码”(health code)
6 各地学校积极开展“网络教学”(online education)
7 各高校开展“网上就业”服务(online employment)
8 “16个新职业”发布(16 new professions)
1 多地暂停清明“现场祭扫活动”(on-site commemorative activities)
2 我国“粮食安全”总体形势良好(food security)
3 三大运营商合推“5G消息业务” (5G messaging service)
4 民航局安排“包机”接回中国公民(charter flights)
5 “偷井盖”可构成故意杀人罪(theft of manhole covers)
6 4月4日“全国哀悼日”(national day of mourning)举行全国性哀悼活动
7 武汉发放“消费券”(coupons)
8 北京“突发公共卫生事件响应”降级(response to public health emergencies)
1 2020年“两会”召开(NPC & NPPCC)
2《民法典》表决通过(the Civil Code)
3以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局(a new development pattern where domestic and foreign markets can boosteach other, with the domestic market as the mainstay)
4“长征五号B运载火箭”首飞成功(Long March-5B carrier rocket)
5 教育系统开学“复课”(class resumption)
6 “珠峰高程测量”measure the height of Mount Qomolangma
7 今年将加强“公共卫生领域立法”(legislation on public health)
8 各地一般不得新建“500米以上建筑”(buildings taller than 500 meters)
1“北斗全球卫星导航系统”在轨部署完成(Beidou Navigation Satellite System) 2中国将对入境航班实施奖励和熔断措施(\"reward\" and \"circuit breaker\" mechanism) 3教育部发布“留学预警”(alert for overseas study) 4“强降雨”引发华南地区洪水(torrential downpours) 5北京发生“本土疫情”(domestically transmitted COVID-19 cases) 6财政部发行“抗疫特别国债”(special government bonds for covid-19 control) 7夏至上演“日环食”(annular solar eclipse) 8“网上广交会”成功举办(online Canton Fair)
1 全国人大常委会通过《香港特别行政区维护国家安全法》(The Law of the People\'s Republic of China on Safeguarding NationalSecurity in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR))2 高考舞弊或“冒名顶替”将取消入学资格(identity theft)3“美国驻成都总领事馆”关闭(the US Consulate General in Chengdu) 4火星探测器“天问一号”成功发射(Tianwen-1)5 2020中超联赛开赛(The 2020 Chinese Super League)6安徽省歙县“高考延期”(delayed gaokao)7支持“新业态”新模式健康发展(new business models)8我国首个“涉家庭暴力人员婚姻登记查询系统”开通(inquiry system for domestic violence prior to marriage registration
1“数字人民币”将在“4+1”地区试点(digitalized currency)
2 四川启动“I级防汛应急响应”(the highest level of flood control response)
3世界最长“海底高铁隧道”技术方案准备就绪(undersea high-speed railway tunnel)
4国家网信办规范“直播带货”(livestream marketing)
5创业板“注册制”首批18家企业成功上市(the registration-based initial public offering system)
6“首都功能核心区控制性详细规划”获批(a detailed plan for the core area of the capital city of Beijing)
7我国将“放宽新能源汽车限购”(relax curbs on new energy vehicle purchases)
8 TikTok公司对美国政府行政令发起诉讼(file a lawsuit)
1. “中国国际服务贸易交易会”举办(China International Fair for Trade in Services)
2. 北京“国际客运航班”恢复直航(inbound flights)
3. 教育部出政策帮助“出国受阻留学生”(stranded students intending to study abroad)
4. 我国“自贸试验区”扩容(pilot free trade zones)
5. 婚姻登记“颁证仪式”常态化(a ceremony for marriage certificate presentation)
6.“中国人民志愿军烈士遗骸”回国(remains of Chinese People\'s Volunteers soldiers)
7.“学位论文作假”将被纳入全国信用信息共享平台(commit fraud in their graduation dissertations)
8. 关于依法适用“正当防卫”制度的指导意见发布(justifiable defense)
1 中国正式加入“新冠肺炎疫苗实施计划” COVAX
2 “十九届五中全会”召开(the fifth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee)
3 深圳将建设“中国特色社会主义先行示范区”(a pilot demonstration area of socialism with Chinese characteristics)
4 “刑事责任”年龄拟调整 (criminal responsibility)
5 “两高一部”发布指导意见应对“碰瓷”(staged crash fraud)
6 4个“新冠疫苗”进入三期临床试验(COVID-19 vaccine)
7 部分车型驾照70岁“年龄上限”将取消(age limit for driving license)
8 京沪高铁将推出“静音车厢”(quiet carriage)
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来源: 核心整理 || 中国日报全年核心热词整理(MTI冲刺精华版) |